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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Say Thanks-and get a free gift

It is that time of the year, where we must give thanks and be appreciative of our customers, and our employees. Some companies say thanks to their valued customers during the course of the year, with special thank yous, which is terrific. But if you haven't now is the time.

Our customers are the lifeline of our business, and nobody wants to be taken for granted, we want to feel appreciated. So if you have customers that are worthy of investing some budget dollars, or staff members who have helped you out, then we have some ideas for you.

This is just one of our wonderful gift baskets and they come in all shapes, sizes and budgets, food and non food. What would your client think when you send them this great basket after they have been loyal to you all year long? When your competitor calls, they are going to think twice about taking that phone call.

Here is the part for YOU! Order $500 worth of holiday gift baskets and we will give you a free IPOD shuffle as our thank you gift, for trying our great products. In other words, we give thanks to you for thanking your customers.

If you have any questions, call me 609 844 0088, and I will help you.

Thanks for reading.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Community Events call to action and ROI

Your company hosts or displays at community events? Why do you do this? Just looking for exposure? Just looking to build the brand? Great, but in todays budget cutting world can marketing and marketers get away with doing things to just create exposure. I doubt it.

You need a call to action. You are at a race, community event or something and your potential customers are there and you meet with them and hand them some knick knack or doo dad and they are on their way right. What is the call to action for that customer to go into your retail shop, meet with your sales rep or go into your bank branch? Without this how do you know how many people were responding to your booth, was it the number of pens you gave out?

Why not hand them something that contains a call to action, to meet your sales rep or set up an appointment or come into your place of business,and they might win some prize BUT they have to bring the ticket that you handed them. That way you can track how many customer come and measure. You handed out 500 of these tickets and 25 people came in and brought their tickets. Now that is measurement.

If you don't build measurement then you are just hoping that everything goes well, and that is not how senior management wants things done. So... if you are looking for some creative ways to build measurement into community events and increase ROI, then just give us a call for your free consultation.

Meet with our team and we will bring you a free gift when we come.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Do you have a "system" to say thanks and ask..

The number one reason why customers leave,is that they don't feel appreciated or that their business is taken for granted. How often do you thank your customers? How often to you send a personal note to your customers, or drop them a note in the mail, on their birthday etc?

Well we are all very busy, and it very difficult to spend time to do this on a regular basis yet a small amount of time in this area can pay great dividends. Why not when somebody places an order with our company send them a quick note in the mail saying thank you? If we have access to their birthday, anniversary dates why not send them a card celebrating those dates? Well one reason which is not a good one is that it takes a lot of time to do that until now!

INTRODUCING an automated system to send out postcards, greeting cards and small gifts to your clients, on your behalf. We have an automated program that prints and mails these for you. So you want to send birthday cards, anniversary cards, service reminder notices, asking for referral cards, we can take that all out of your hair and very easily too.

We have a stock catalog to choose from so this becomes such an easy process for you and your team to help build that strong customer base and begin to ask for those valuable referrals because your customers feel totally appreciated.

So if you want a turnkey solution that does the heavy lifting of sending out cards to your customers to show them you care then just give us a call.

Thanks for reading and sharing.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Scratch your way to an increase in business

In today’s economic environment the need to motivate customers and employees has never been greater. Scratch-off cards are a highly-effective, low-cost solution. Industry research indicates sweepstake activity has increased by more than 25% over the last 10 years.

Achieve promotional success by following a few simple rules:
☀ Capture the customer’s attention with eye appealing 4-color graphics on both the front and back of the scratch off card.
☀Research shows customers will be motivated by both an attractive grand prize and odds of winning a prize; so don’t overlook the importance of secondary prizes.
☀ Have fun! Utilize multiple scratch-off fields or popular card game (black jack / poker) to generate excitement.

NEW ACCOUNT PROMOTIONS: Reward customers who open a
new checking, savings or CD account with a custom-branded
Digital Choice Card that enables them to choose the digital
entertainment they prefer: music downloads, a personalized cell
phone skin, an audiobook, or phone card.

ONLINE BANKING PROMOTIONS: To save money and reduce
their environmental footprint, banks are going paperless – and
digital promotions and online banking go hand-in-hand. Reward
customers who sign up for paperless statements or online bill pay
with a music code good for five free songs that can be delivered
virtually to their email box. Music codes can also be used as an
ongoing incentive to reward continued online banking.

MANUFACTURING: To increase consumer demand. Instead of giving away cash rebates, why not offer a scratch off card with a value of free music or some other digital reward. That way after they scratch off and redeem their reward, when they listen to that particular song they will think of you and your brand.

These are just some of the ways that scratch off promotions can be used in your business.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Football is back, are you maxmizing it's popularity to promote?

Football is the biggest most popular sport this country has by far. More people watch the Super Bowl than any other event it appears except the Oscars. The number one day that people call in sick is the day after the Super Bowl.

Why is this important because you can use the popularity of this great sport to your advantage to PROMOTE your business.

Some great ideas include but are not limited to:

Offering a rebate on the purchase of your product if your team wins the big game, makes a big play or some other event. You simply pay a small insurance premium against the redemption of prizes due to the occurrence of the event.

Come in an predict the winning score to a game, and win cash prizes is another great way to spark traffic, and many more ideas.

The important thing to remember is that football and the NFL sell, so why not parlay that in into increased sales for your business.

This is just one of the great ways that our creative promotions can grow your business.

Ask us for a free consultation.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

QR Code Discount from USPS!

Check out the QR code discount that the post office is offering in July and August! This is a great time to get involved with the latest and greatest way to maximize your Direct Mail efforts. Give us a call today for more info! 888 614 7746 Mobile Barcode Promotion Supported by ProPrinters and USPS!

The USPS® is hosting a Mobile Barcode Promotion from July 1 through August 31. This incentive program will provide mailers with an instant three percent discount on mailing jobs that use mobile barcodes (aka QR codes). We will apply this discount to qualifying mail pieces and the ProPrinterswill MATCH the discount! We will also create a unique QR code specifically for your campaign!

If you are not familiar with mobile barcodes, see the image below. Smartphone users can scan barcodes like this and be routed to a promotional or informational website. A majority of direct mail pieces today refer recipients to websites to learn more. While this is often effective, it relies on the recipient to correctly type in a web address. Mail pieces that include a QR code require much less effort; recipients can simply grab their smartphone, scan the barcode, and be routed to the website right away.

Great Direct Mail discounts and new strategies with QR codes!

The USPS intends to use this program to demonstrate to mailers just how valuable this technology can be for your mailing campaigns. It will show mailers that online and offline marketing can be seamlessly joined to create a powerful and effective message.

QR codes put on direct mail and drives "eyes" to the Internet. It can be to a specific website, video etc.

For details on this program, refer to the official rules and regulations,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rewards, Recognition, and Incentives

People are working harder, doing more with less resources, and less people. In banking platform and tellers are being asked to cross-sell more than ever. Manufacturers need the retail associates to promote their new products, services, and extended warranties. We want our customers to send that extra marginal order our way instead of our competitors don't we. So how do we get that extra push to help us reach our goals and objectives?

Incentives, by dangling that extra carrot that says, if you will just do that little extra, there is a nice reward ahead of you. Not only that, but you will be recognized, and have something really nice to be proud of to talk to your family and friends about. It doesn't take a huge trip, or anything really lavish, to be effective. It has to be flexible, choices of rewards etc, and it won't break the bank I promise.

Most recognition programs can be run for pennies on the dollar depending on what you want to accomplish. If you are a manufacturer or a distributor looking to gain incremental business, you can run a rewards or recognition program for 2-3 cents on the dollar. If you are introducing a new program and want your people to sell it perhaps 5 or 6 cents on the dollar, and that is a small investment to give for products that have high margins, or are just being introduced.

We have a few options to help you with this, but I invite you to look at one of our flagship products. It is our online catalog that can be tied to sales incentives, cross selling, purchase incentives etc. It is very robust and invite you to look.

username: Guest

password: demo

This site will be completely branded to fit your look and feel of your company. Keep in mind that this is just one of the great ideas that we have to help YOU grow your business.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Referrals great way to improve ROI

We have all heard the expression that we need to get referrals. Happy customers who buy from us on a regular basis should be a great source for leads. After all who doesn't like to tell somebody about a "great deal" or a "great vendor" who helped them out of a pinch. We do it, when we eat a great restaurant etc.

As a business, we know we should ask for referrals, but we don't, and that is because we don't have a system to do it. We are too busy to ask for referrals, but now there is an easier way.

It is through an automated process sending out cards to your customers. Cards are sent to you customers on times when you deem appropriate, after their first order, after their installation, after the have used the products, birthdays, anniversiarys etc. You put in the information and our automated system sends out a real greeting card for them, personalized from you.

We will work with you to create a formalized plan to send out cards at appropriate times, and in those series of cards will be cards asking for referrals, in a very subtle, and friendly way, using our cards.

We will work with you to create a thank you program for any new referrals, if your industry allows it. Depending on how much a new client is worth, and how valued the referrals are will determine how you want to thank your customers for sending them to you.

The entire process is automated for you, so you don't write cards, address them, lick stamps etc. If you had time to do that you would be doing this program because it works.

We would like to give you free demonstration of how our referral system will help you to increase the amount of new referrals you receive, and we all know referrals are the best way to maximize your ROI.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

We’re a performance improvement company with an impressive history of helping businesses grow sales. Our innovative strategies and seamless implementation combine to create successful programs for manufacturers, distributors and service companies.

We design incentive solutions for:

•Loyalty Programs
•Sales & Customers
•Employee Motivation
•Multi-Program Management
•Global Incentive Solutions
Sales & Channel Incentives

Sales and channel incentives are strategies designed to motivate your channel customers and/or sales force to achieve specific goals. In many instances, these goals are expressed as sales / purchase goals. Other objectives could include specific steps-to-a-sale initiatives, margin objectives, or product-specific objectives. Sales incentive programs can be long-term or shorter term strategies, and may take the shape of “President’s Club” programs to reward top performers or enabling point earnings based upon sales performance.

Effective customer incentive programs are longer in nature to affect behavioral modification in the purchasing process.

Employee Strategies
Performance incentives drive change. And to get the most change, some companies integrate their entire organization into the strategy, recognizing that sales and profits is a team sport. Whether it is focusing on a team (company) goal; developing department initiatives such as safety, attendance or productivity; or designing a peer to peer and management to peer recognition strategy, we can help you generate increased effort from your employees.

These are just some of the ways that we can help you and your team grow your business and that is through rewards, recognition and incentives.

Just ask us how.

Mention this blog post and receive a free gift when we meet!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Packaging of your Message for results

I had a person with whom I was conducting a sales conversation with about mailing to prospects. I asked him, do you open your mail, you must get a lot of it. He said yes because I don't get as much as I used to, because I get more email etc.

While this is true for some executives it is not true for all of them. So when your contact gets 300 emails per week 3lbs of mail per week, text messages, tweets and alike how is your message going to stand out. Why are you going to get read and noticed? I am strictly talking about direct mail, because it does work when it is targeted, not plastered.

As you can see from this example an inexpensive but very well crafted box sends for a superior image to your audience. It has been said that people need to "dress for success" and you never get a second chance to make a first impression. These go for your and your packaging and promotional materials as well that you send out.

How are you marketing yourself to your customers?
What kind of ammunition are you giving to your salespeople?
How are you helping yourself stand out?

We can help you answer all of these questions, and keep you in budget. So before you send out that next marketing piece, please think packaging.

Good luck, and we wish you continued success.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How do yo use facebook ?

Every business now want to use facebook for their business, especially if they are in the B to C arena. Many wrestle with how to do it, what to do, why would people "friend" the business etc.

Why people would friend is that they really like your business, and/or there is some great promotion or incentive to attract them to your company. We can work with you to create a promotion to get your customer base to "Register on our Facebook" page and potentially win some cool prizes.

With this type of promotion you would get the following:

Mandatory Facebook Graphics
Custom Graphics (Fan and Non Fan Content Pages)
Custom Share Feature
Facebook Inegration
Unlimited Entries
Official Rules
Custom Marketing Email Template
Winner Selection, Announcement and Verification
Opt-In Email Collection
Technical Support
Creative Design
Prize Selection and Fulfillment

So we can help you to turnkey the entire program for you, allowing you to focus on other area to grow your business.

If you ready to dip into the world of facebook promotions just give us a shout.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Trade show traffic builders

Our companies do trade show to launch new products, and attract existing buyers, and potential new buyers to come by our booths. It can get expensive especially if there is no measured ROI.

If there is a sizeable ROI on our trade show booth investment then we can continue to exhibit and them and increase our businesses.

We also know that too many of the people that come to the trade shows and stop by our booths are not qualified buyers but tire kickers, and trick or treaters looking for the handout at the booth. How can we change that, and increase our trade show attendance not only in absolute numbers, but the quality of person who attends?

Well, I have the answer and it works. The enclosed Lawson case study demonstrates how. This was mailed out to decision makers, or targeted people who they wanted to show up, and there was a chance to win some great prizes. By targeting these decision makers with a program like this you accomplish two things.

1. You can measure the effectiveness of the program, it can be measured. You invited 100 targeted people and 50 of those people showed up, and you know this because they have to bring their ticket to the booth to see what they won.
2. You got the "desired" people to show up. Now all of the other people who show up are gravy, because your targed audience showed up.

So the next time you are looking for something creative to drive trade show booth traffic or event traffic consider how you go about it to drive the proper ROI.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Driving physical traffic, it's gotta be big or creative to work

We all get solicitations in the mail from retailers with their advertisements and their sales telling us to come on in. We even get car companies say come on in for a test drive and we will give you something, usually the equivalent of some day old sushi in most cases.

To get your customers off of their couch and into the car or on to the subway to come down to your place of business, especially in the winter time, it has to be big, fun, or creative and in most cases a combination of those.

What are your customers looking for? They are looking for a chance to win a great prize, a trip, a car, free gasoline for a year, (especially at $3 a gallon).

They like excitement or games of chance, they like intrigue. Besides you want them to have intrigue or not knowing if they have won, or what they have won.

Recently I received a scratch off from a furniture company, and the scratch off idea is okay, but once I scratched it off, I knew what I had won. If I didn't like my prize I would not go in and see them. Now, had they done it a little like this they might have had me.

Scratch off here, and bring in your card, and if your lucky number matches, we will pay for your gas for a year! Now you have my attention right? Now you have me motivated. Well I do go down there and I didn't win, but my lucky number does qualify me for 20% off on my furniture. See the difference.

With a great prize, and a fun promotion you can get them to your place of business and then get a chance to try to sell them.

Black & Decker knows the value of strong database marketing. The company's long-term strategy was to develop a stronger database of user email information to enable it to promote their broad range of products via email marketing.

The approach utilized an Instant Win WebDecoder® promotion. 600,000 were mailed to established Black & Decker product owners and 50,000 were tipped in with new product purchases. Respondents to the mailing were sent to the company website, where they registered and provided demographic data.

The response rate of the program actually overwhelmed the servers at Black & Decker, resulting in thousands of game pieces actually being mailed directly to B&D.

This type of program can work for you too, on ANY scale that you want it too, and we will turnkey the entire project.

So whether you have a retail location, wholesale location or you want the end user to meet with your salesperson, we can show you how using exciting promotions like this will work for you.

Thank you for reading.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Offering more services to save you time and money!

In the past you have heard about some of our great ideas to help you increase your business. You have read about ideas such as our online games to help you gather more opt in email subscribers. You have learned about our incentive programs to reward clients for their business to you.

In all of these cases what as a value added supplier we do for you can be done on a stand alone basis. What do I mean by that? If you run a promotion, there are certain things that need to be done, before the promotion goes live.

1. You must have a copywriter provide you with rules that have to get approved.
2. You probably have insurance for a grand prize offering, if you go that route.
3. A graphic designer designed your marketing collateral and supporting website.
4. Your marketing collateral got printed and mailed or distributed.
5. You supported your event with branded promotional products too.

We here at ProPrinters want to let you know that all of these services can be done individually, so I will address the printing aspect of our service here.

Whether you are designing and printing a brochure, point of sale, banners or posters, we can work with you to create, design print and mail your marketing collateral for you. Whether it is short run digital pieces 1-3000 or offset 3000-3,000,000 we can provide you with a cost effective alternative to your current printing services.

With our mailing services, we can do intelligent insertion, so different members of your database receive different pieces based upon your sort. All donors get "x" insert and all non donors get a "y" insert.

As you can see from the samples that there is a lot of flexibility in printing, so the next time you want to send out a message, customize, use personalization, use color all to enhance your message.

Thank you again for reading and please feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, comments or concerns.