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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Referrals great way to improve ROI

We have all heard the expression that we need to get referrals. Happy customers who buy from us on a regular basis should be a great source for leads. After all who doesn't like to tell somebody about a "great deal" or a "great vendor" who helped them out of a pinch. We do it, when we eat a great restaurant etc.

As a business, we know we should ask for referrals, but we don't, and that is because we don't have a system to do it. We are too busy to ask for referrals, but now there is an easier way.

It is through an automated process sending out cards to your customers. Cards are sent to you customers on times when you deem appropriate, after their first order, after their installation, after the have used the products, birthdays, anniversiarys etc. You put in the information and our automated system sends out a real greeting card for them, personalized from you.

We will work with you to create a formalized plan to send out cards at appropriate times, and in those series of cards will be cards asking for referrals, in a very subtle, and friendly way, using our cards.

We will work with you to create a thank you program for any new referrals, if your industry allows it. Depending on how much a new client is worth, and how valued the referrals are will determine how you want to thank your customers for sending them to you.

The entire process is automated for you, so you don't write cards, address them, lick stamps etc. If you had time to do that you would be doing this program because it works.

We would like to give you free demonstration of how our referral system will help you to increase the amount of new referrals you receive, and we all know referrals are the best way to maximize your ROI.

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