While this is true for some executives it is not true for all of them. So when your contact gets 300 emails per week 3lbs of mail per week, text messages, tweets and alike how is your message going to stand out. Why are you going to get read and noticed? I am strictly talking about direct mail, because it does work when it is targeted, not plastered.

As you can see from this example an inexpensive but very well crafted box sends for a superior image to your audience. It has been said that people need to "dress for success" and you never get a second chance to make a first impression. These go for your and your packaging and promotional materials as well that you send out.
How are you marketing yourself to your customers?
What kind of ammunition are you giving to your salespeople?
How are you helping yourself stand out?
We can help you answer all of these questions, and keep you in budget. So before you send out that next marketing piece, please think packaging.
Good luck, and we wish you continued success.
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