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Monday, November 21, 2011

Community Events call to action and ROI

Your company hosts or displays at community events? Why do you do this? Just looking for exposure? Just looking to build the brand? Great, but in todays budget cutting world can marketing and marketers get away with doing things to just create exposure. I doubt it.

You need a call to action. You are at a race, community event or something and your potential customers are there and you meet with them and hand them some knick knack or doo dad and they are on their way right. What is the call to action for that customer to go into your retail shop, meet with your sales rep or go into your bank branch? Without this how do you know how many people were responding to your booth, was it the number of pens you gave out?

Why not hand them something that contains a call to action, to meet your sales rep or set up an appointment or come into your place of business,and they might win some prize BUT they have to bring the ticket that you handed them. That way you can track how many customer come and measure. You handed out 500 of these tickets and 25 people came in and brought their tickets. Now that is measurement.

If you don't build measurement then you are just hoping that everything goes well, and that is not how senior management wants things done. So... if you are looking for some creative ways to build measurement into community events and increase ROI, then just give us a call for your free consultation.

Meet with our team and we will bring you a free gift when we come.

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