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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Do you have a "system" to say thanks and ask..

The number one reason why customers leave,is that they don't feel appreciated or that their business is taken for granted. How often do you thank your customers? How often to you send a personal note to your customers, or drop them a note in the mail, on their birthday etc?

Well we are all very busy, and it very difficult to spend time to do this on a regular basis yet a small amount of time in this area can pay great dividends. Why not when somebody places an order with our company send them a quick note in the mail saying thank you? If we have access to their birthday, anniversary dates why not send them a card celebrating those dates? Well one reason which is not a good one is that it takes a lot of time to do that until now!

INTRODUCING an automated system to send out postcards, greeting cards and small gifts to your clients, on your behalf. We have an automated program that prints and mails these for you. So you want to send birthday cards, anniversary cards, service reminder notices, asking for referral cards, we can take that all out of your hair and very easily too.

We have a stock catalog to choose from so this becomes such an easy process for you and your team to help build that strong customer base and begin to ask for those valuable referrals because your customers feel totally appreciated.

So if you want a turnkey solution that does the heavy lifting of sending out cards to your customers to show them you care then just give us a call.

Thanks for reading and sharing.

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