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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lowest cost per impression for your advertising dollar is here...

Two PPAI Studies Reveal Strength, Effectiveness Of Time-Tested Promotional Products. Birthdays, holidays, special days, any days.  From the momentous to the mundane, the dates we can’t forget are recorded on our calendars. But, in a world dominated by digital everything, does the printed version of our record keeping still have a place?

According to PPAI studies Calendar Usage In The Workplace and Calendar Usage In U.S. Households, the answer is absolutely.  A 1981 study conducted by the Calendar Advertising Council showed that printed calendars were a mainstay in the home and office. Fast forward three decades and not much has changed.

·        1981 98% of homes had a printed calendar and nearly every business had one.
·        2011 79% of homes and 78% of businesses still have a printed calendar—that’s only a 19% drop in 30 years and major advancements in technology.
·        1981 70% of calendars at home and 80% at a business were advertising calendars
·        2011 61.4% of calendars at home and 76% at a business are still promotional vehicles

 50% of the population never use the calendar function on their cell Phone*

*Calendar Usage in the workplace

So what does this mean? It means inexpensive advertising:

Let us say a calendar costs your company a whopping $5.00 (okay big spender). The average employee works 220 days per year. So if they look at your calendar once that is .02 per impression.  Pretty darn good, and we all know how many times people look at their calendars.

You can go with the personalized calendar with recipients name on it, like this one or you can go with a standard calendar.

Regardless your cost per impression is so inexpensive as you are with them year round. They won't throw you out and they cannot ignore you.

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