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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Digital Rewards, motivate, inspire and increase purchases, so why aren't you using them?

How Digital Reward Cards Worked For...

Product: Music Downloads
Industry: CPG

Use: Customer Incentives, On-Pack Promotions

I’ll Drink to That
As part of a nationwide promotion, Coca-Cola® offered customers at
participating Exxon Mobil, On The Run stores, a free music download
when they purchased a limited edition 52 oz. fountain drink. Specially
designed Coca-Cola cups were printed with unique reward codes on the
side incenting customers to purchase the larger size beverage. On The Run
promoted the campaign with in-store point of purchase displays alerting
consumers to the added value of upgrading to the larger size beverage.
This gift with purchase was easy for Coca-Cola to execute. By printing
the Music Download code right on the side of the cup they minimized
distribution costs typically associated with running an in-store giveaway.
Coca-Cola helped push sales of their product to a new level simply by
making a good thing better.

Why Choose Digital Reward

Cards For Your Next Promotion?

Associate your brand with the
modern online gifts that unique,
custom branded Digital Reward Cards
have to offer! Give your company
some instant cool!

Digital Reward Cards include popular
gifts that have real value – from Music
Downloads to Magazines, Movie
Tickets to Photo Prints, these are
products consumers desire.

An incentive that has the ability to
reach multiple demographics, Digital
Reward Cards have universal appeal
and allow customers to select or
customize their personal reward.

Inexpensive to ship, store and
distribute, Digital Reward Cards give
your company the flexibility to scale
any promotion. Their compact and
lightweight size makes them one of the
most practical and economical gifts

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