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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Video Marketing- here is one idea

Video Marketing are you using it in  your company? Why not? Do you have a new product to launch or a quick story to tell in a video?

Don't want to hire actors, or camera time and all the other logistics that go together with video production, including the expense. I get it.

Well here is an option, and they are called #whiteboardvideos or #explainervideos. They are hand drawn versions that can tell your story in a short period of time create intrique, call to action etc.

You will see from the above video, that these can be fun and creative and get your message across. Your real photos can be used and make this a very creative project.

The coffee video we personally did for a client after sending samples as a fun follow up tool. Be different be creative use video!

We can work with you and your design team to come up with the right message, just ask us how

Thanks for watching.

Derek Miller
609 807 8856

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