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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Child promotional products- what is a child's product anyway?

Does your company do promotions that involve items that be construed as a children's toy? You say not us, right. Well stop right there.

There are common items that on the surface that don't look like a child's toy but according to Consumer Product Safety Commission they are, and are subject (AND THAT MEANS YOU) to very strict guidelines with respect to manufacturing.

Let us give you an example:

You are a manufacturer of tires. You are running a trade show booth and have a mascot that is round and looks like white tires. You wanted to do a giveaway of a plush or stuffed replica of this mascot to your visitors, who are adults after all this is an automotive trade show right.


This is considered a child's toy and is subject to the guidelines set for by CPSC for children's toys. If you are having these made, for you is your DISTRIBUTOR aware that it is a children's toy? Probably not, are they aware if the manufacturer is compliant, especially if this comes in from overseas. Could you imagine if that thing came in with lead in the inks or loose parts that can choke. Is it worth the risk? Of course not, and that is why if you use a #promotionalproducts distributor who is knowledgeable they will have done the research for you.

Point number two:

Silk screen and embroidered garments. Do you give away to children youth sized garments with your companies logo? Excellent. Are you aware of the REQUIREMENTS to be compliant for this in case of a recall on the garment or the ink? Oh yes, all children's garments must be easily traced back to their original source or you can be in for it.



Many of my competitors will ignore this and I will tell you WHY:

1. It adds costs to them and to you and they are afraid you won't purchase from them because of it.

Does this make sense to you? Would you not prefer to pay .75 a garment more and know you are in the right side of child safety? Would you not pay .75 more to know you are working with a distributor who has your back?

2. It takes time for them to do the legwork register the codes and keep on top of the laws.

To this I say that is why our clients love us because they don't have time to do this. We are supposed to be the experts not YOU. YOU are the experts in your field not ours. 

Here is a link to FAQ child safety labeling, this is just one reference and we have others.

So if you want to know if your distributors product suggestion is subject to this requirement just ask us at  1877 614 7746 shoot us an email and we can help at

We want you to be safe from liability, we want your customers especially children to be safe from products that may not be safe.

Safe kids are happy kids!

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