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Monday, March 28, 2016

Does your garment supplier properly label for youth garments?

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) requires that all children’s products include permanent distinguishing marks, also known as tracking labels. They must be affixed to the product and its packaging to provide certain identifying information. The tracking label is intended to enable consumers to trace the product to the manufacturer and production lot in the event of a recall.

When you the END USER or purchaser of the good for distribution to children from an apparel distributor, contracts with a third-party decorator to apply ink or thread to a garment, and sells that product to an end buyer, the garment has been altered and needs a second tracking label for the same purpose as the first.

Tracking Label Requirements: The tracking label must contain information that will enable the manufacturer and ultimate purchaser to determine the manufacturer, location and date of production, and cohort information—such as the batch, run number or other identifying characteristics and any other information determined by the manufacturer to help determine the source of the product.

Does your distributor for whom you procure goods do this for you? If not, why not? Somebody is opening up to some potential problems if there needs to be a recall and it won't be pretty. Child safety is no laughing matter and if your supplier is not addressing this you need to be concerned.

#CPSIA #trackinglabels

So they next time you go to print youth garments for kids here, make sure you get the "thumbs up" and are protected from safety laws

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