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Monday, March 28, 2016

Does your garment supplier properly label for youth garments?

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) requires that all children’s products include permanent distinguishing marks, also known as tracking labels. They must be affixed to the product and its packaging to provide certain identifying information. The tracking label is intended to enable consumers to trace the product to the manufacturer and production lot in the event of a recall.

When you the END USER or purchaser of the good for distribution to children from an apparel distributor, contracts with a third-party decorator to apply ink or thread to a garment, and sells that product to an end buyer, the garment has been altered and needs a second tracking label for the same purpose as the first.

Tracking Label Requirements: The tracking label must contain information that will enable the manufacturer and ultimate purchaser to determine the manufacturer, location and date of production, and cohort information—such as the batch, run number or other identifying characteristics and any other information determined by the manufacturer to help determine the source of the product.

Does your distributor for whom you procure goods do this for you? If not, why not? Somebody is opening up to some potential problems if there needs to be a recall and it won't be pretty. Child safety is no laughing matter and if your supplier is not addressing this you need to be concerned.

#CPSIA #trackinglabels

So they next time you go to print youth garments for kids here, make sure you get the "thumbs up" and are protected from safety laws

Monday, March 21, 2016

Cutter and Buck and Outerwear

Cutter and Buck can help your company looks its best this summer season, whether it is casual Friday or that golf outing.

Right now they if the timing is right for you, look into Cutter and Buck as there are some great closeouts. Nobody has to know you are getting a closeout as we won't tell, we promise.

When your staff or your event looks its best on casual Friday or corporate picnic, you can take all of the credit for sure.

Here is just one of the items on closeout, but maybe by the time you read this they will be gone, but just wanted to give you an idea of what is available from Cutter and Buck Corporate. With their complete in house decoration they can make your team look its best for certain.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Benefits of Casual Fridays

  1. Free perk– It doesn’t cost anything to allow employees to dress down in business casual attire one day each week, yet being able to do so is a perk that many employees enjoy and look forward to each week.
  2. Fun change of pace – Allowing employees to dress more casually can be a good way to infuse a sense of fun into the workday without doing anything to detract from productivity.
  3. Team building – When people are dressed more casually, with workers across all levels wearing similar attire, they may be more likely to interact with people they wouldn’t ordinarily feel comfortable approaching. This can lead to cultivating positive work relationships that will strengthen the overall team.
  4. Meet employee needs – Employees like to work for companies where they feel like more than ‘just a number.’ Allowing employees to come to work dressed as they like – within reason – on a designated day is a way of meeting employees’ needs to ‘be themselves.’
  5. Easy employee motivator – Allowing employees to ‘be themselves’ in terms of how they dress can actually be a motivator. According toInsideBusiness 360, “giving employees a day to express their individuality in their dress is a great motivator.”
  6. Reinforce branding – If your company’s approach to casual Friday involves wearing branded apparel, such as company logo shirts, it can result in branding benefits. Employees become walking billboards for your company when they are seen wearing apparel with your branding message.
If you want to let your employees have a “dress down” day or if you decide you want to let your company dress business casual in the summer time, but are concerned about what they think that means you can:
  1. Create a company store that has all branded material for your company
    1. Identify items that will support your policy and promote your brand
    2. Employees can choose items that they can get (perhaps you provide an allowance) to wear on these designated days.
    3. This keeps the brand intact, HR happy and your employees happy as well
Companies like Cutter and Buck make some very nice corporate apparel that can be embroidered with your logo to build your brand.
This is just an another idea to help you to “Increase sales and profits through promotions”
If you have any questions, or would like to learn more just give us a call 609 807 8856 and we can point you in the right directions.
#proprinters #casusalFriday #corporateattire

Friday, March 4, 2016

Packaging, promotion and product launches

Creative packaging, promotion and product launches are key to representing your company in the right way to your target audience.

Whether they are consumer based packaging for retail, or in this case a #saleskit that was used by #Dentsply to help its sales team to bring its message to their clients.

This custom designed kit helps them to represent their product. This was custom designed between #ProPrinters and #Dentsply to meet the needs of their sales team to promote. The sales team would insert samples into the kit when they would go and talk to clients.

These kits are made in the great Garden State, where What Trenton makes the world takes.

This is just one of many product launch fulfillment programs that we have help our clients with.