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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dimensional Mail
How it works:
Client Brief- The client was disappointed with the common marketing response rates of 2% when trying to generate new club members. Typically it would cost the client in excess of $2,500.00 to get a new member. A creative, measurable marketing campaign was developed to target a smaller core list of potential members and to gain a greater response rate.

Tennis club and to exceed the normal 2% common response rate. A ten percent response rate was the target or 30 new members.
Execution & Strategy: we decided to create a measurable marketing piece that would generate a greater response than the normal 2% responses. We gathered the demographic information about the target audience: targeted area mailed within a 50 mile radius of the club, 50/50 women to men ratio, median age range between 35 to 55 and generally white collar workers – and to people that played tennis.
Overall Results: the mailer generated an incredible 25% response rate, and generated 75 new members, the measurable program cost the cub $52.00 net each, a 2,448.00 savings per member. 

Direct Mail ROI Expectation
Offer  to Spend 50% on AD and 50% of AD cost on PPDM
PPDM Budget: $90,000 or $30 per mailing x 3 mailings = $90
Target 1,000 Businesses
30% Appt. Rate: 300 Appts.
30% Proposal Rate: 90 Proposals
30% Win Rate: 27 Sales at an average sales of $20,000
New Sales: $540,000
ROI: 6:1 First Year

ROI: 12:1 Second Year

Targeted dimensional mail wins hands down.
Not designed for every company.
If sales people will NOT call after don't spend money.
For those who work it, the programs work

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