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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

3% of your audience is ready to buy "NOW"

That is right, only 3% of your "audience" is ready to make a purchase in your space right now, if they are not a client of yours. This research comes from Chet Holmes in his book the Ultimate Sales Machine. In his research he survyed CEOs: Twenty years of research has shown me that there’s always a very small percentage of folks “buying now.” Three percent. I gave a lecture recently in front of 1,200 CEOs and said: “Let me prove this to you. How many people in the audience are in the market for a car right now?” About 30 people raised their hands. “How about tires?” A different 30 raised their hands. “How about furniture?” Thirty hands up. “How about home improvements?” Yet another 30 hands. “Offi ce equipment?” You see my point. About 3 percent of potential buyers at any given time are buying now. Right now. That percentage drives all commerce. My research further concludes that 7 percent of the population is open to the idea of buying. This is the percentage who may be dissatisfi ed with their current item or provider and are not opposed to change, but who may not yet be “buying now.” The remaining 90 percent fall into one of three equal categories. The top third are what I call “not thinking about it.” They are not against it, not for it, but just “not thinking about it.” So if you sell offi ce equipment and you ran an ad, this 30 percent would not respond because they’re just not thinking about offi ce equipment right now.
Why is this relevant to you? Well if you relied on only the 3% your business would not grow very large or very fast. You need to be relentless in marketing to the extra 67% of your population. You need to do it in a fashion so that you go from unknown to I have heard of that company, to finally I do business with that company. Now it is much different in the world of B to C versus B to B. B to C has a much broader target audience and greater flexiblity than does B to B. On the other hand the B to B world has less members to target so it can invest more per contact knowing that one or two good hits can deliver a big difference. This is where we come in, helping YOU develop a program to keep your companies products and services in the forefront of your customers thought process so when that time is ready and they become part of that 3% they will think of you. So just give us a shout for a free consultation. Mention this blog and receive a free order of Omaha Steaks with a consultation, no strings attached. Are you hungry? If so give us a call!

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