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Thursday, July 20, 2017

S&H Green Stamps Commercial, 1966

Who doesn't remember going with their parents to the local store, having their parents, for me, my mother check out at the cash register at our local pharmacy and in anticipation seeing how many of these green stamps we got.

We took those stamps home, licked them in stuck them in the book, and anticipated what we were going to get with them.

For mom, quite frankly I cannot remember what we got, maybe it was new pots and pans, a can opener etc, something that we needed for the home, but didn't need to spend money on it. It was the first INCENTIVE program, and it lasted a long time.

Did it work? You betcha that thing worked.

Now we are more refined today and we have loyalty programs on our phones, American Express membership rewards, airline miles etc all designed to keep us loyal to a store a company or a brand.

Well, if you have customers that can get your product from YOU today, but get the same product from your competitor the next day then you are in the market for an incentive program.

These programs are NOT expensive but yet the ROI will pay for itself.

Just think about how YOU are a customer of them, and then turn that around and see how you will use it to your advantage.

These come in many shapes and sizes and budgets so to fit your needs.

Just give us a call at 1 877 614 7746 for your free consultation and we can discuss in more detail.


Derek Miller


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