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Monday, October 17, 2016

Say thanks To your Clients

In the next few weeks we will have Halloween and then kick into the holiday season. Tell me if you have not see Christmas and other holiday stuff in the stores right? UGH it is frustrating.

It is that time to start reflecting on the year that was 2016 and the year ahead new goals and objectives. In the reflective stage take a moment and look at your customers. Take your top 20% of them. How much revenue did they generate for your company 73%? Perhaps.

Then ask yourself where would you be without them? WOW that is scary, so take time time out and invest a few of your marketing dollars and say Thanks Mr. Customer I appreciate all you do. Yes, some clients cannot take a gift, or even a lunch, but if they can DO IT. Treat them right please.

If you are looking for ideas, and have a budget, give us a call and we can find some ideas to help you fit your audience, your budget, and make you look great.

Lets finish 2016 strong and set the stages for 2017.

Make it a great day!

Derek Miller

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