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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Texting Drives Clients

Do you know that you can use texting to drive clients to your place of business?

In the age of instant communications, it’s not difficult to see why text messaging is so popular. Combine a simple and easy to use system for sending a quick message, with the ability to reach that person no matter where they are.. and we have a winner.
The stats don’t lie:
  • The average person responds to a text message in 90 seconds, compared to 90 minutes for an email.
  • Over 97% of text messages are opened, while only 22% of emails are opened.
  • 90% of all text messages are read within 3 minutes of their delivery
  • There are over 5 billion mobile phones worldwide.
  • Over 86% of Americans own a mobile phone.
  • 91% of all US mobile users keep their phones within arms reach at all times.
  • Over 68 million people are frequent text users.
  • Only 43% of smartphone users use their phone to make voice calls but over 70% of smartphone users text.
With statistics like this, how can you afford to not use texting?
Even in a B2B world, are you exhibiting a trade show booth? Text "BOOTH" to a short code, you will receive a game piece on your mobile phone. Bring it to booth # and claim your prize.
Just another tool to help you grow and promote your company.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


When we talk to businesses and non-profits about text message (SMS) marketing, there are a few misconceptions that commonly come up.
Unless you’re a spammer, it’s permission-based.
Amazingly, many organizations think you need to already have a list of phone numbers, or worse, you need to buy this list before you can start sending out text messages.  Not only is sending unauthorized text message terribly ineffective, it’s illegal and could lead to lawsuits and penalties.  The effective and legal way to do SMS marketing is to grow your own list through campaigns promoted to your targeted audience.
You don’t need to get your own shortcode.
One of the first questions we get from newcomers to SMS marketing is, “How do I get my own shortcode?”  While some large brands may find value in getting their own shortcode, most businesses and non-profits can save the expense and hassle.  Like many SMS marketing providers, we provide our shared shortcodes to clients.  This saves them money and allows them to get up and running quickly.
It doesn’t cost a lot and it’s very cost-effective.
Frequently, marketers are surprised to hear the entry-level costs for SMS marketing.  For whatever reason, even small organizations assume it will be a significant investment for them to start using this technology (it’s not!).  Once they learn how small the investment is, they quickly stop worrying about how difficult it will be for them to prove the value to their bosses.
It’s extremely easy to setup and manage.
When we help a new client setup their first SMS campaign, they’re usually surprised how easy it is.  I think this comes from the email marketing world where setting up a campaign for the first time involves a lot of configuring, template building, graphics uploading, etc.  With only 160 characters to work with, it almost always takes longer to decide the message than it does to set up the software.
Your audience wants to receive text messages from you, if they’re valuable.
Because at this point almost everyone has received at least one of those spam “you’ve won this gift card” messages, organizations assume their messages will be received the same way.  This just isn’t true and they’re always surprised after their first outgoing campaign how well the messages are received by their audience and how few people opt-out.
You can capture email addresses and other information with text messaging.
Initially, organizations are very focused on growing a big list of mobile numbers so they can “blast” out messages to many people and they often overlook the two-way capabilities of SMS.  Many organizations have captured email address, zip code, survey responses, product numbers, and more through text message.  Don’t focus too much on the outbound part of SMS and miss an opportunity to gather valuable data and feedback from your users.
It works best in three situations.
We’ve worked on a lot of SMS campaigns, and while many unique campaigns have generated great results, there are three types of campaigns that always seem to work the best.  Those that are promoted at events, at a physical location, or any campaign run over traditional media (TV, radio, print, or outdoor).  These campaigns always seem to grow the biggest mobile databases, assuming the incentive was attractive to the audience.
SMS is used by some of the biggest brands in the US, but remains relatively “untapped” by small and mid-sized businesses.
Many small to mid-sized businesses we talk to are amazed to hear how many large, well-known brands are using SMS marketing today.  They’re also amazed when they realize not many, if any, of their competitors are using it.  Quickly, the conversation turns to “why haven’t we considered this sooner” and “when can we start?” As with any form of marketing, whenever you can reach the audience where your competition isn’t, the more effective it can be.
It’s not just for a “young” audience anymore.
We don’t hear this one as much as we used to, but every so often we have to pull out the stats (81% of mobile users use SMS) to prove texting is not just something teenagers do any more.  Look around, everyone uses it!
justin-headshot-150x150Justin Mastrangelo is the Founder of the JA.TXT text message marketing software platform. As President of the parent company, JA Interactive, he has worked with businesses, nonprofits, and agencies to cost-effectively reach new audiences through digital marketing and technology. Justin launched the JA.TXT platform to give these same organizations an opportunity to start strategic mobile marketing campaigns using text messaging (SMS).

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Texting, do you use it to promote to clients?

Texting is here to stay, how does your business use it?

Here are some interesting statistics according to Pew Research:

More than Half of Smartphone Owners Have Used Their Phone to get Health Information, do Online Banking

More than Half of Smartphone Owners Have Used Their Phone to get Health Information, do Online Banking

So the question is how is your company using this information to engage clients? If you are a B2C company it is a pretty straight forward application. You can use a #texttowin application to get clients to come into your place of business. Let us say you are a bank, #ESSABank as an example, and you wanted to drive traffic into the branch you could run a text promotion to drive NON CUSTOMERS, as well as current customers into a branch as a promotion.

If you are a staffing company, and you had applicants come in, and you wanted to immediately let them  know a new opportunity came up that they should come in an discuss, use #text to reach out to them. If you have a need for daily workers you could send out a text to a group, and say we need 50 people for a week at this factory, and they could respond with availability. You can advise them where to go etc.

Other B2B client applications, are to let clients know you are  hosting a trade show event, launching a new product, and put a link in the text. The text itself is a link to some other information to keep them informed.

People have their mobile phones with them all the time, and use them constantly so use that to your advantage.

Click on the above link to see the entire pew research in detail.

Keep on texting, just while not driving!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Kickstart Your Business: 12 Ways to Boost Mobile Conversion Rates

Kickstart Your Business: 12 Ways to Boost Mobile Conversion Rates

Here is a quick read about your website, and the importance of mobile. Not sure how much thought people put into their sites as it pertains to mobile conversions.