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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Uptick in Corporate Gift Giving
Part of the old adage that “it’s better to give” is making a comeback in the corporate gift giving market as results from Incentive’s 2013 Corporate Gift IQ Survey reveal that corporations are increasing their gift giving and their average spend on corporate/incentive gifts. This uptick is likely a direct result of an economy that is slowly yet steadily improving in many industries.
According to the survey, more than three quarters (77.4%) of the respondents said corporate and business gifts are part of their incentive programs this year, an increase of 13.9 percent over last year (63.5%).
What is also important to note is that the average total spend on corporate gifts also shows signs of increasing this year. The percentage of respondents who said they spend less than $50 per person on corporate gifts decreased from 57.6 percent in 2012 to 45.1 percent in 2013, while the number of respondents spending $50 to $299 rose to 49.9 percent in 2013 from 34.5 percent in 2012.
And, not only has the value of gifts risen, the giving of business gifts on more occasions has also increased over the past two years, with a percentage almost twice as much in 2013 (10%) compared to 2012 (5.6 %). At the same time, the number not sending corporate gifts at all in that time period dropped to 4.7 percent in 2013 from 9.5 percent in 2012.
Promotional events and employee recognition programs contributed, in large part, to that, as 52.3 percent said they gave gifts at promotional events, compared to 40.7 percent in 2012. Employee recognition gifts rose to 51.5 percent of respondents this year, up from 38.3 percent in 2012.
Survey results indicate that gift cards lead the pack as the gift of choice for more than half of those polled, coming in at 66.6 percent, up from 63.9 percent in 2012.
Several integral results are charted below.
If corporate gift giving is in your budget this year, and you would like to thank and reward employees, clients, suppliers then give us a call at 609 807 8856 and we can match a great corporate gift program to fit your budget.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Get your B2B mail read, so when your sales people call they will know who is calling!
“I don’t know who you are. I don’t know your company. I don’t know your company’s products. I don’t know what your company stands for. I don’t know your company’s customers. I don’t know your company’s reputation.
Now – what was it you wanted to sell me?”
How can you gain more face time with “C level” executives who are not existing clients?
Our new account acquisition program achieves anywhere from a 20% to 40% appointment rate success.
We specialize in helping salespeople win new accounts.
Our team has over 200 years of experience in this specialty.
We also see increase proposal rate and increase win rates.
Attached are a couple example of the result we have produced for our clients
Many of our clients do not have budges for this activity. But they have Advertising budget that can be switch to this better investment.
That is why we suggest to Invest where your dollars can produce big impact! With less sales people on the street, dimensional direct mail can help fill in the gaps. It’s a proven fact that 3-D mailings break through the clutter and generate higher response rates—up to 20-40%. If well-designed, a dimensional direct mail program can be a cost-effective, measurable way to maintain contact and/or prospect for new business during challenging economic times—a proven way to get mail opened, read and remembered, paving the way for personal follow-up!
Case Study:
A local bank wanted to secure appointments with local business for commercial accounts and lending opportunities. A dimensional piece was designed with a custom printed box, a custom printed sand pail and a 1lb bag of local salt water taffy with a personalized postcard. The piece was then sent to 250 identified prospects. Over 100 appointments were secured based upon this mailing
Educate 500 key decision makers the value of applying a NEW 3M Product versus competitive brands product
DDM Campaign with an investment of $150 per contact
This was the second in a series of three programs and was repeated for three years based on sales growth, sales rep feedback and new accounts won.
Gain 1-2 New Retail Accounts valued at $500,000 to several million per win
DDM Campaign to multiple Contacts with each Retailer and investment of $200 per contact
5 New Accounts were Won
If you would like a free consultation on how this can work for your business, just shoot us an email @ or give us a ring at 609 807 8856
Monday, October 7, 2013
Direct Mail is alive and kicking do you use it?
Local media ad space advising firm BIA/Kelsey’s most recent local market ad forecast report, Media Ad View Plus, has several findings of note.
The study, which gives a market-by-market view of the local media pie, reveals:
The total local media market is calculated to be $132.5 billion.
Looking across all verticals, direct mail accounts for 27% of all local market spend ($35.8 billion).
Direct mail dominates ad spend by local retail advertising, garnering over 43% of total retail advertising in 2012.
Despite ongoing declines in circulation, in 2012 newspapers generated $22.5 billion for a 17.1% share of total advertising spend, second only to direct mail.
Six vertical categories each generated more than $1 billion from online advertising in 2012 — technology, retail, automotive, leisure/recreational, financial/insurance and restaurants. BIA/Kelsey calculates that these six categories accounted for close to 80% of total online advertising.
Print Yellow Pages still dominates the local general services category (basically anyone who shows up at your house in a van). In 2012, general services advertisers spent $3.8 billion on print Yellow Pages, representing nearly a quarter of total spend in that category.
Retail, financial/insurance, restaurants, automotive and technology combine to represent roughly three quarters of local radio advertising revenue.
- See more at:
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
I loved this example, because it not only was incredibly affordable, but contained brand imaging in the most unusual way, from bugs stuck to the ad. As passer’s by saw the ad develop over a span of days, the logo eventually appeared. This marketing piece got people talking, sharing, and remembering the pest company.
I had seen this example before, but what I really liked is that they literally put “Their money where their mouth is.” If someone actually broke the glass, they were out a considerable sum, so their own faith in their product shined bright and clear.
As a dog lover, this one cracked me up, and showed how an ad can actually do more with negative space than it could have if including all of the elements. The ad was placed along the floor of a shopping mall, and when viewed from above, the people walking on the ad actually appear to be the fleas. For a product as un-sexy as flea control, this marketing device hit a home run
Land Rover
Love this one. Land Rover in Dubai came up with an ingenious idea for the "rugged" drivers of their vehicle. So just in case the driver and passenger get marooned in the desert, the company sent 5000 survival guides to existing customers and to be distributed in sports shops. The book came complete with reflective backing for an SOS, a metal coil for cooking, and made the pages and ink edible (with roughly the nutrition of a cheeseburger. This great idea was such a hit, they produced 70,000 more to be included in a car magazine distribution.
Lance Burton, Vegas Magician
How on earth can you have your message resonate in Las Vegas? You could spend a ton of money and get a billboard on the strip, or you could spend a couple hundred dollars and do what Lance Burton did. See below. (Hat tip to my friend Rodrigo Padilla for reminding me of this one)
I hope you enjoyed this.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Technology + Direct Mail for the Win!
I love to write about great examples of combining technology and direct mail and today is no different. I got a mailer from Acura that boasted an "Interactive Preview" on the full-color, large envelope. So I opened it. Inside were several stock-quality inserts, one of which was personalized and variably-printed and included instructions for downloading an app to access the rest of the mailer. So I did.
Acura 1
Inside were different views of the car. Well, with the app, it recognized the images from the mailer and offered several different options. From scanning the picture above, it whisked me away to a 360-degree view of the interior, that I could pinch and rotate on my smartphone. Cool stuff. Not everything from the mailer was scannable, but as I flipped through looking for the icon app to scan my next experience, I saw and read about many features of the car. I eventually scanned another section (below) and it took me to a product video (still hosted withing the app) that engaged me with te piece for a little while longer.
Acura 2
There are many great examples of technology with direct mail popping up everywhere, but this example stuck with me for several reasons:
It truly was a multichannel experience - the mail was attractive, it used my smartphone, so I had another tangible element in the mix, and it used video and augmented reality (sort of).
It urged me to explore the entire piece - Although there were only two things to scan on the piece, I searched for more, and ended up seeing the entire mailing. This sort of mail treasure hunt should be used more often.
It was shareable - After i finished with this piece, I let a co-worker borrow it. "How cool is this, Rick?" The best direct mail pieces are keepsakes and things that have a shelf life far beyond the first read.
What I would have liked to see was a code to scan to register for a test drive, or providing directions to the local dealership. Something with a conversion in mind, but overall, this mailing was a homerun. These principals apply FAR beyond automotive dealer solutions. None of the elements were that far-fetched, but the execution and the experience made it all come together so well.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Using texting and your website to get data capture
People are using their phones and the web more than ever to communicate, and to communicate with YOUR company and YOUR BRANDS.
How are you using promotions using cell phones, or your website to engage your potential clients? Well we have some things to help.
1. Website promotions- what happens to your visitors when they visit? What do you want them to do, if they don't act and become customers right away? Do you want them to sign up for a newsletter, coupons, register for more information?
So this technology will help you to capture that valuable data from your website visitors, by providing a chance to win, a chance to play this interactive game etc. Does it work, of course it works. Games, sweepstakes, engage your customers and they will share their information for a chance to win.
The key is they have to provide accurate data, because if they don't and they win, they lose their prize. So important.
Now this program captures generation "text" and their on the go lifestyle. They always have their phone they are always texting don't care about too many texts. So by texting for a chance to win, you can text them back with the new mobile database you are creating offers, coupons, new products etc.
Companies like Kawasaki used this to effectively drive traffic into its dealers. You can use it to drive traffic to a bank branch, a showroom a trade show booth.
So don't let technology scare you give us a call and let us show you how, we can help.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Don't take the summer off, market to your "A" level customers harder now, when others don't
How can you gain more face time with “C level” executives who are not existing clients?
Our new account acquisition program achieves anywhere from a 20% to 40% appointment rate success.
We specialize in helping salespeople win new accounts.
Our team has over 200 years of experience in this specialty.
We also see increase proposal rate and increase win rates.
Many of our clients do not have budgets for this activity. But they have Advertising budget that can be switch to this better investment.
That is why we suggest to Invest where your dollars can produce big impact! With less sales people on the street, dimensional direct mail can help fill in the gaps. It’s a proven fact that 3-D mailings break through the clutter and generate higher response rates—up to 20-40%. If well-designed, a dimensional direct mail program can be a cost-effective, measurable way to maintain contact and/or prospect for new business during challenging economic times—a proven way to get mail opened, read and remembered, paving the way for personal follow-up!
This balloon mailer is just one of our ideas to create that wow factor. Isn't it much easier for your sales people to call after they mailed this to their prospect base?
Let us discuss how we can build this type of program for you to fit your budget.
50 Developers were targeted. 6 Agreed to Develop.
Results - Hundreds of Million in Development
Now that is ROI!

Monday, February 25, 2013
Use the senses to gain interest, and maximize effectiveness in direct mail
You want to reach out to commercial customers who don't buy from you right? You want them to meet with you, but how do you accomplish this goal?
1. You have to get them to take your phone call and give you a chance to give your "elevator speech"
What is going to make them take your call, how are you going to be remembered when that person who has no clue who you are, what you do, or what your company is etc? You have a very slim chance unless you..
We remember 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, but 50% of what we see and what we hear.
85% of all information is taken in through the eyes, and failure to stimulate the eyes makes the brain tune out.
So how do we do this? Simple.
When is the last time you opened a letter that was from a stranger at work. Probably not for quite some time. You open mail from somebody with whom you have a relationship OR the mail pieces was visually stimulating, or was multi dimensional. When is the last time you received a package that you DIDN'T OPEN? Also does your assistant or office personell screen mail, if they do, they probably don't screen packages and for good reason. Nobody knows the contents, so they are afraid to "screen the mail"
Now inside that package you need to put something creative, that is appealing to the eye, smell, touch, taste or hearing. The more of these senses that you can engage the greater your recall recognition.
So for example, we have mailed out a button similar to the Staples EZ button, but ours says "Wow, that's a great idea". So we have accomplished many things with this mailer:
1. It go to the decision maker. So screener is going to open a box.
2. It got opened, person wondering what could this be, especially when we put on the box: Looking for that next great idea?
3. When they opened it up, it was visually pleasing, there was something to touch, pick up (the button).
4. When they press it, there is some sound.
So by engaging many senses, we have engaged our customers and made them smile, laugh and we will make yours too.
In addition your outside sales team will have much more enthusiasm when they get to call somebody on the phone and say Hi my name is Joe Smith and I am the one who sent you the candy jar, or the great idea button. Why because they know they got it, and two chances are people liked the package. So your response rate is much greater.
Here is an example:
Custom jarred barbeque sauce, and now we have added another sense taste. So we package this in a custom printed box, with a teaser outside like See what's cooking inside, and you are bound to get readership, and a much better connect rate when you call. That is the key.
So let us show you how this can help you to open new markets, get appointments with new clients, keep your brand in front of clients whose sales cycle is longer or whose purchase cycle is infequent but lucrative so you have to keep the brand on the forefront of their minds.
As always, we are here to help.
Thanks again.

Monday, January 14, 2013
Give away a chance to go to The Super Bowl !
Win Tickets for Two
2014 Super Bowl
(max value 16,000)
Imagine what kind of response you would get to your next direct mail promotion, if you would offer this type or prize. Well you can for pennies on the dollar.
Our turnkey promotion includes:
1. Direct mail
2. Copy & Graphics
3. Prize Insurance
4. Rules and Regulations
5. Custom signage
6. Excitement
So as we get closer to the Super Bowl, think about how for pennies on the dollar you can get a much better response rate.
So the next time you are looking for that idea with buzz and excitement, just give ProPrinters a call and we will put it together for you.
Stay tuned for our "March Madness" ideas.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Looking for new business or commercial accounts?
If you are not looking for NEW B2B or commercial accounts HIT DELETE right away. I don't want you to unsubscribe me, but this is targeted for those of you that want to target new accounts.
The average business loses about 10-20% of it's business every year. Yes, so as good a company as we are here ( tongue in cheek gang), we lose business too. Why? Well here are some good reasons.
1. Companies merge
2. Companies go out of business
3. New buyers come in.
4. New suppliers are given a shot
5. Budgets get cut
6. Yada Yada Yada
So what can you do gang? You and your marketing team can roll up your sleeves and get a plan to go after new commercial business. Don't sit there and run a trade ad and how the phone rings. Go after it with your sales team.
Here is how, and here is how I do the same thing personally.
1. Identify what types of clients fit your business. .Size, sales
2. Have us gather a list of all potential clients that fit that mix.
3. Scrub that list and find the good ones.
4. Market to them like hell. Relentless and don't give up.
How much is an "A" type account worth to you and your business? 250K, 500K 1MM? What would you spend to target those accounts knowing that just 1 WIN, pays for all your marketing for the year?
So here is what we are doing kicking off 2013
This is a new campaign we are mailing to our "qualified" clients in the first half of 2013. We then follow up to make appointments. After this they will receive a follow up mailing along with same theme.
They key being relentless marketing to those "A" accounts, with creativity, something that is fun, and people will remember, because you were different.
So if 2013 is your year for you and your sales team, then lets team up. Your goals are our opportunities to help you grow.
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