We’re a performance improvement company with an impressive history of helping businesses grow sales. Our innovative strategies and seamless implementation combine to create successful programs for manufacturers, distributors and service companies.
We design incentive solutions for:
•Loyalty Programs
•Sales & Customers
•Employee Motivation
•Multi-Program Management
•Global Incentive Solutions
Sales & Channel Incentives
Sales and channel incentives are strategies designed to motivate your channel customers and/or sales force to achieve specific goals. In many instances, these goals are expressed as sales / purchase goals. Other objectives could include specific steps-to-a-sale initiatives, margin objectives, or product-specific objectives. Sales incentive programs can be long-term or shorter term strategies, and may take the shape of “President’s Club” programs to reward top performers or enabling point earnings based upon sales performance.
Effective customer incentive programs are longer in nature to affect behavioral modification in the purchasing process.

Employee Strategies
Performance incentives drive change. And to get the most change, some companies integrate their entire organization into the strategy, recognizing that sales and profits is a team sport. Whether it is focusing on a team (company) goal; developing department initiatives such as safety, attendance or productivity; or designing a peer to peer and management to peer recognition strategy, we can help you generate increased effort from your employees.
These are just some of the ways that we can help you and your team grow your business and that is through rewards, recognition and incentives.
Just ask us how.
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