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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Offer Great Prizes with low risk

Let's face it people love big prizes, whether it is cash, trips or cars. How many of us play the lottery, contests or sweepstakes, for that "chance" to win. We all know the odds are stacked against us but we do it anyway.

Well, your company can accomplish the same goal of attracting customers to your store, website or facebook page by using large incentives or prizes to help you grow your business. How you may ask can McDonalds offer 1 million dollars if somebody wins their Monopoly game? Well of course they can pay it, but they won't. AN INSURANCE COMPANY WILL! It is called prize insurance. Most of us have been involved in a charity golf outing and if you got a hole in one there was a car awarded. Well some insurance company secured that prize with insurance and the company running the program paid a premium, based upon the odds of somebody getting a hole in one.

Well this concept can be used in many ways. Some ideas are if the Dow Jones hits 20,000, or if we get a certain amount of snow, or simply other odds based games of chance from scratch off cards to online games.

Well recently Callway ran a promotion if you bought a Callaway Driver and Phil Mickelson won the Masters your driver is free. Well the insurance company had to pay off on this one as, he did win.

Callaway and it's retail partners made off great through the sales lift and the increased buzz surrounding this program. They are running it again!

So the next time you want to run a promotion, think about offering some great prizes, and asking us how we can help you accomplish this and use the power of great prizes to achieve goals for you.

Thanks again.


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