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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Personalized URLS (PURLS) not the same old email marketing

The average person gets 300 emails a week. 300!
You are likely on both ends of that spectrum, having sent someone one of those 300 or a recipient of one of those 300. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. How many did you read?

2. How many of the mass emails that your company sends out gets read?

Now lets take a walk to your snail mail box for a moment. You gather the mail and sort it out. You open the familiar pieces the mortgage the electric bill, all of the familiar faces.

Which leads to why we don't read more than half of our emails and in turn more than half of the stuff our company sends out doesn't GET READ. It is because most direct mail and email that is sent to us is MASS produced, and shows no personalized or personal relevancy to the recipient. The days of boxholder, occupant direct mail and email are long gone. People want to work with companies that connect with them, relate to them and make them feel like "Wow, this email was written for me!", and looking like one email or direct mail piece at a time, not just some PDF or generic put together email.

As you can see from the above example of an email with a PURL the creative way that you can drive the personalized message home and help the recipient take ownership of the email and your product or service therefore increasing response.
Personalization is Good!
"John, at Avis we try harder for xyz corporation"
Relevance is much better.
John is in charge of the preferred rental car company choices for a manufacturing company:
John, manfacturing companies like xyz spend an average
of 1.3 million dollars a year on rental car companies.
In less than 3 minutes when you visit your personal website you
will learn the 5 ways Avis's new program for manufacturing companies can
cut xyz's rental car costs by 20% annually.
When you add relevant text with relevant photos such as Mr. &Mrs. Prettyman's boat, you engage the customer because everyone likes to see their name in lights their name in print, and they will respond much more than emails to dear occupant with a stagnant link, or PDF attachment.
You could take any information you have about your clients in your database and feed it back to them in a PURL.
If you are a credit card company and want to send a PURL, Dear Mr. Smith you have earned 5000 reward points this month this is what you could buy with those points.
If you are a manufacturer, you could send an email out to your dealer network, letting them know that perhaps some of their customers who purchased product and registered it, have models that are near warranty expiration.
If you are a bank, and you have age demographics, you could send out PURLS, based upon age, and target product that meet their needs. Those with banking balances over "X" get message "A" and those with banking balances below "x" get a different PURL.
I hope this gives you some good ideas on how PURLS can help you drive results.
Stay tuned for the next BRAINSTORMER!

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