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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Do you like to use video? Why not video in a card or a mailer?

You have a great story to tell, let us show you how to get that video that tells your story in the hands of a direct audience, targeted audience. This is not for mass mailing, this is for a very target approach. This can be in a few formats. Just ask us how, just ask us why

Derek Miller

1 877 614 7746

Monday, May 14, 2018

Casual Fridays and branded apparel

As we hit the summer months, you might be looking for some ways to help your employees take advantage of #casualFridays, while maintaining your brand integrity. With so many options out there, and so many brands how do you decide? Well give us a call and we will help. Mention this ad, and receive free shipping on your next order!

Call us 1 877 614 7746

#screenprint #embroidery #polos #proprinters

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

You looking for a fun promotional item?

Gang, in the world of making an impression with your brand and promotional products, this is one of my favorites, and it should be yours too!

Why IMPACT.  This mug will help you to promote your company like NO OTHER coffee mug around, prints in full color and shows your customers, the before an after affects of working with you like no other.

Recently we provided this mug to Mike Baicher at West End Express in Cranbury and he loves it, and provided him with a custom box to drop off to prospects. Terrific.

If you are looking for creative promotional ideas, give us a shout, or a whisper, or an email, or a text. Just do something okay?
