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Monday, August 1, 2011

Football is back, are you maxmizing it's popularity to promote?

Football is the biggest most popular sport this country has by far. More people watch the Super Bowl than any other event it appears except the Oscars. The number one day that people call in sick is the day after the Super Bowl.

Why is this important because you can use the popularity of this great sport to your advantage to PROMOTE your business.

Some great ideas include but are not limited to:

Offering a rebate on the purchase of your product if your team wins the big game, makes a big play or some other event. You simply pay a small insurance premium against the redemption of prizes due to the occurrence of the event.

Come in an predict the winning score to a game, and win cash prizes is another great way to spark traffic, and many more ideas.

The important thing to remember is that football and the NFL sell, so why not parlay that in into increased sales for your business.

This is just one of the great ways that our creative promotions can grow your business.

Ask us for a free consultation.