People are working harder, doing more with less resources, and less people. In banking platform and tellers are being asked to cross-sell more than ever. Manufacturers need the retail associates to promote their new products, services, and extended warranties. We want our customers to send that extra marginal order our way instead of our competitors don't we. So how do we get that extra push to help us reach our goals and objectives?
Incentives, by dangling that extra carrot that says, if you will just do that little extra, there is a nice reward ahead of you. Not only that, but you will be recognized, and have something really nice to be proud of to talk to your family and friends about. It doesn't take a huge trip, or anything really lavish, to be effective. It has to be flexible, choices of rewards etc, and it won't break the bank I promise.
Most recognition programs can be run for pennies on the dollar depending on what you want to accomplish. If you are a manufacturer or a distributor looking to gain incremental business, you can run a rewards or recognition program for 2-3 cents on the dollar. If you are introducing a new program and want your people to sell it perhaps 5 or 6 cents on the dollar, and that is a small investment to give for products that have high margins, or are just being introduced.
We have a few options to help you with this, but I invite you to look at one of our flagship products. It is our online catalog that can be tied to sales incentives, cross selling, purchase incentives etc. It is very robust and invite you to look.
username: Guest
password: demo
This site will be completely branded to fit your look and feel of your company. Keep in mind that this is just one of the great ideas that we have to help YOU grow your business.
Thank you for reading.