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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Be in your customers office for pennies a day.

Traditional Advertising Media has its place in your advertising budget. Whether it is radio, television or internet these media reach your clients in different ways, at different times and can be effective. This is also good for an overall brand awareness campaign to get the word out that your company is in existence etc.

I want to talk you about a way to take a small portion of your adverstising budget and allocating it to a different media.

What if the media I wanted to talk you about was used by 98% of all US homes, and 100% of all US Businesses?

What if I told you that this advertising medium STANDS ALONE? Your message will not be competing with others.

What if I told you this medium got you exposure everyday and multiple times per day by your customers?

What if depending on your industry you can get some of your program paid for with co-op dollars by your manufacturing partners?

Let us say you could get your brand in your customer and prospects hands where they would see it and use it everyday for 12 months and it only cost you a penny a day, would you be interested?

Where else can you get your brand in somebody's home or office used for 12 months for a penny a day. Well the answer is....

A CALENDAR! Yes, people use IPODs, Blackberrys, Outlook at Google but we still all of us have calendars on our desk, in our homes etc for quick planning and it is still the most cost effective medium available to you as a business. Why? A calendar is used everyday looked at many times during the course of the day seeing your brand and NOT YOUR COMPETITORS BRAND. In some cases you can get your manufacturing partners to help you with co-op dollars to help pay fo your calendars.

Well we are running an early bird special on all calendars. Order by August 31st and I will pay the shipping cost

So click on the link at : and you will be able to see many of our calendar products there.

Thank you again for reading our blog.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Rewards Program

So now we are offering rewards cash that can be used for the following which meet the customers wants in life. These programs can be used to initiate a trial offer for your company.

Apply for a new loan and receive $25 in music cash, or electronics cash, and these can be used at most big box theatres, retailers etc so your clients will be completely satisfied with your program. These rewards can be in some fashion fully customized with your feel and logo on them keeping your brand in their wallets or purses.

These programs have a breakage model to keep the cost down. Similar to buy a cell phone and it is "x" dollars after $50 rebate. Well the cell phone companies know that a good percentage won't rebate it and that is called breakage. So perhaps a $11.00 movie ticket program costs you ONLY $2 per say, but you are offering a nice reward.

We also have programs that address your clients needs such as grocery cash, gas cash, home heating cash, utility cash etc, so you know that your reward will be put to good you by your clients.

These rewards come in different payment methods depending on the application. They can be in the form of a check, which can be used to buy groceries, pay a utlility bill, cell phone bill etc.

Here is an example of a check rewards program:

They can come in the form of a plastic card, with Visa, MasterCard or Discover Logo on it which can be used at gas stations, restraunts, online purchases for items such as book, or dvd cash.

Here are what some of the plastic card rewards programs look like:

Then we have electronic delivery of rewards that can be used for online purchases similar to a gift card for Itunes for movies, music etc. This would allow you to take a simple code either printed on your receipt, a seriel number on a product, freshness code, and once the customer has that they can go to our website register the codes, and receive an immediate reward, which can be used to purchase online from online vendors.

All of these programs are once again a part of our overall product offering to help you grow your business in your marketplace.

So the next time you are looking for that creative offer to get your customers to try your product or service look no further than ProPrinters.

This idea might not be for you, but we might have the next great idea in our tool box that together will help you grow your business.

For more information or a demonstation or more case studies on how others in your industry have used this program please feel free to give me a call at 609 844 0088.

If you signup for a qualified demonstration of our cash rewards program we will bring you a free gift, an IPOD just for listening to our presentation.

Thank you,


As always thank you for reading our blog and your continued interest in what we have to offer you.